Landscape トップへ

   「Gordon Craig Collection Catalogue」大谷女子大学図書館発行(昭和58年)より


1The Palace Weimar28x20cmJuly.1904Watercolour sketchThis sketch has an important position in his historical development
2From Window in Baur au lac Hotel (Zurich)28x21cmAugust.1905Pen and watercolour drawingThis is a fine sketch from an important moment in Craig's life
3From Bastei; near Dresden on the Elbe28x21cmMay.1905Pen and watercolour drawingVarious little notes with regard to its colouring on the back
4Malden, Essex; the house of the pale young man and the six dogs28x21cm1903Pen and watercolour sketch
5Richmond Bridge28x21cmMay,24.1903Watercolour and thick pen drawing
6Heckfield; the thaatch23x21cm1902Pen and watercolour drawing
7[The Essex Coastline Near Malden]21x28cm1903Pen and watercolour sketch
8The Old Bridge21x28cm1905Pen and watercolour sketch
9Heckfield28x20cm1902Pen and wash drawing
10On the Elbe, Germany28X21cmn.d.Pen and wash drawing
11[On the Elbe]28X21cmn.d.Pen and watercolour drawing
12St.Michael's; Ebblesworth,England (16th sketch
13After 1/2 of Our Long Walk on Bridge at Railway Station28x21cm1903Pen and watercolour sketch
14At Hampton Court28x21cm1904Pen and watercolour drawing
15The Thames; opposite the Hampton Court Park28x21cm1904Pen and watercolour drawing
16Winchelsea26x21cm1902Pen and watercolour drawing
17Garrat's Farm. Lower Folling, Suffolk28x21cm1903Watercolour drawing
18Near Nennington28x21cmApril,17.1904Pen and watercolour drawing
19[Mittledean, Sussex]28X21cm1902Pen and watercolour drawing